


This provides the definition of a Streaming or Continuous Query, in addition to the metadata and metrics that show the state of the query within the system. The four metrics that are shown are NumRecordsInPerSecond, NumRecordsOutPerSecond, NumBytesInPerSecond, and NumBytesOutPerSecond. The records in/out represent the current rate of messages being processed in and out at the time the DESCRIBE QUERY call was made. The Bytes in/out represent the current rate of data being processed and represented in binary Bytes at the time the call was made as well.

Note: Metrics may not always be available for queries, and when unavailable the stats will be replaced with n/a; see the example below with a query that has ERRORED.

See Query on how streaming queries operate in DeltaStream.

The Query will only be visible if the current role has USAGE privileges.



This is the unique identifier of the query to describe. See LIST QUERIES to find out how to list all queries that the user has access to. The first column (ID) in the response corresponds with the query_id.


Describe a simple query

The following describes a simple query with a Changelog source Relation, users_log, filtering on a userid column and writing the results into a Changelog sink Relation, users2468_log: DESCRIBE QUERY b2041101-c37c-4807-93d4-2de876b7bd39;
                   ID                  |  State  |                                                                          DSQL                                                                           |  Owner   |      Created at      |      Updated at       
  b2041101-c37c-4807-93d4-2de876b7bd39 | RUNNING | CREATE CHANGELOG users2468_log   AS SELECT *   FROM users_log   WHERE userid = 'User_2' OR userid = 'User_4' OR userid = 'User_6' OR userid = 'User_8'; | sysadmin | 2023-01-12T20:46:00Z | 2023-01-12T20:46:00Z  
    Changelog users_log
    Changelog users2468_log

Query Stats:
  NumRecordsInPerSecond | NumRecordsOutPerSecond | NumBytesInPerSecond | NumBytesOutPerSecond  
                      6 |                      5 | 67 B                | 49 B                  

Describe a multi-source query

The following describes a JOIN query that joins a Stream, pageviews, and a Changelog Relation, users_log, on a userid column and writes the resulting records into a pv_user2468_interest Changelog Relation: DESCRIBE QUERY c81fc632-a043-472d-a1fe-aa81bc9078df;
                   ID                  |  State  |                                                                                                               DSQL                                                                                                               |  Owner   |      Created at      |      Updated at       
  c81fc632-a043-472d-a1fe-aa81bc9078df | RUNNING | CREATE STREAM pv_user2468_interest WITH ('store'='kinesis_main')   AS SELECT p.userid AS pvid, u.userid AS uid, u.gender, p.pageid, u.interests[1] AS top_interest   FROM pageviews p   JOIN users_log u ON u.userid = p.userid; | sysadmin | 2023-01-12T20:46:27Z | 2023-01-12T20:46:27Z  
    Changelog users_log
    Stream pageviews
    Stream pv_user2468_interest

Query Stats:
  NumRecordsInPerSecond | NumRecordsOutPerSecond | NumBytesInPerSecond | NumBytesOutPerSecond  
                     20 |                     25 | 160 B               | 200 B                  

Describe an ERRORED query

The following describes a query that was stopped due to an unrecoverable failure, leaving it in the ERRORED state: DESCRIBE QUERY e2f995eb-1ece-4c19-8909-72cf75910091;
                   ID                  |  State  |                                  Dsql                                   |  Owner   |      Created At      |      Updated At       
  e2f995eb-1ece-4c19-8909-72cf75910091 | ERRORED | CREATE STREAM userid AS SELECT userid as userid, pageid FROM pageviews; | sysadmin | 2022-05-25T15:37:01Z | 2022-05-25T15:37:01Z  
    Stream pageviews
    Stream userid

Query Stats:
  NumRecordsInPerSecond | NumRecordsOutPerSecond | NumBytesInPerSecond | NumBytesOutPerSecond  
                    n/a |                    n/a | n/a                 | n/a   
    <error stack is printed here>

Last updated